Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Yes, I'm Still Talkin' About Breakin' and Turkey Links

 As we begin our blogcast day, I am reminded of Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  I asked for the movie "Breakin'" to be online and what the frosted flakes!  Below is the music video for the song "There's No Stoppin' Us" by Ollie and Jerry, which is featured in the flick.  If you're above the age of ten, you can figure out the entire flick just by watching this video.

And speaking of being ten, there's this lil mofo...

There was a kid in my neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago that thought I was in Breakin' and that the kid above was me.  This bit of info was just so the folk that know me could have a laugh.

Now for some Turkey Links...

Who doesn't want to shoot Jar Jar? Here's the artwork to fullfill that fantasy. Via Neatorama

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Life Size Hot Wheels Loop de Loop and The Human Loons that Drove Through it.  Via Topless Robot

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12 Creative Footstools. Via Oddee. 

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And lastly, Chaka Khan's "I Feel for You,"  featuring damn near the entire cast of Breakin'.  Why, cause why the hell not?

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