Monday, July 30, 2012

One Bite O' the Fish and Turkey Links

As we begin our blogcast day, I am reminded of McDonald's Filet O' Fish sandwich.  It's something you truly have to be in the mood for and once that craving hits you, the only thing that will satisfy it is the warm, crispy taste of that first bite.  But that's it.  You only get one satisfying munch out of that thing.  Don't tempt fate and go for a second chomp or you'll get a mouth full of something reminiscent of a flavorless oatmeal strained through a dirty sock.  By the third bite, it's some how colder than your 90% ice beverage and you're wishing you never bought the thing in the first place.  If you make it to a fourth nosh, that's when your stomach starts to cry in the form of small vomit gulps and you're trying to figure out where to toss it.  Depending on your bite size, knocking down half of this minced fish mouth terror is about as far as most people get and still feel comfortable in throwing it away. 

So, the next time you get a hankering for a hunk a…  a slab, a slice, a chunk a…  Filet O' Fish.  Remember, take the biggest bite you can, cause you truly only get one.

And Now for Some More Edible Turkey Links

George Jefferson Strut

In honor of Sherman Hemsley's recent passing, I ask that everyone break out the George Jefferson strut whenever you do something you're particular proud of today.  Check out the vid if you need reference...

Batman Themed Wedding

Link via Neatorama

Live Cat Bank

And Lastly...
SpiderDad and SpiderSon and a Day of Bouncing

Why?  Cause why the hell not?

Link via Neatorama

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Honey Bun Divers and Turkey Links

As we begin our blogcast day, I noticed something watching the Olympic trials in diving.  With the combo of tanning and scrunched muscular bodies, the divers literally looked like they were made out of honey buns.

Seriously, let's take a look...

And with some buns...


Now for some Turkey Links...

Aquaman apparently is cooler than you. Via Topless Robot

10 Hotels Made Out of Weird Shite...  Link Via Oddee

Ummmmm.  Korea... Uh... Horse riding in your living room....  Forget it, just watch...

And lastly, a dog fireman carrying a cat.  Why, cause why the hell not.  Via Neatorama

Monday, July 23, 2012

CF Photos 072312

Here are the full images from last week's banner shots and Facebook profile pics.  Do enjoy the full uncropped versions...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Before you blow up the neighbor's flower bed tomorrow, have a look at Bat in the Sun's Super Power Beatdown featuring Batman Vs. Wolverine.  The actual battle mayhem begins at the 2 minute mark.  Via Geektyrant.

Have a happy 4th of July

Pregnetheus: A Prometheus Cartoon

James Lee Animation brings us this great animated take on the Alien prequel (not really, kind of sorta) flick that is Prometheus.

WARNING: Blood and guts and Prometheus spoiler type stuff.

Pic Parade 070312

Ronny Reagan on a velociraptor. Via Buzzfeed

 Apparently, Shaq drinks Hawaiian Punch made by Mattel.  Via Popculturebrain

 If only it were that simple.

Hey, even if you're Seth McFarlane, you do what you gotta do to keep those millions rollin' in.

This is where I'm sending my imaginary kid.

Yes, I'm Still Talkin' About Breakin' and Turkey Links

 As we begin our blogcast day, I am reminded of Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  I asked for the movie "Breakin'" to be online and what the frosted flakes!  Below is the music video for the song "There's No Stoppin' Us" by Ollie and Jerry, which is featured in the flick.  If you're above the age of ten, you can figure out the entire flick just by watching this video.

And speaking of being ten, there's this lil mofo...

There was a kid in my neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago that thought I was in Breakin' and that the kid above was me.  This bit of info was just so the folk that know me could have a laugh.

Now for some Turkey Links...

Who doesn't want to shoot Jar Jar? Here's the artwork to fullfill that fantasy. Via Neatorama

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Life Size Hot Wheels Loop de Loop and The Human Loons that Drove Through it.  Via Topless Robot

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12 Creative Footstools. Via Oddee. 

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And lastly, Chaka Khan's "I Feel for You,"  featuring damn near the entire cast of Breakin'.  Why, cause why the hell not?

Monday, July 2, 2012


I'd like to close today with this wonderful piece in the animated every day life of The Hulk.  Do enjoy...

Via Geektyrant.

CF Photos 070212

This week's Comic Fiction banner photos without the cropping, thanks to Shawnice Drew.

Superman V Bizarro Animated Fan Film

Robb Pratt brings us another wonderfully animated Superman fan short entitled Bizarro Classic.  Check it out...

Here's Mr. Pratt's previous Superman short...

I highly recommend subscribing to his Youtube, he does some fantastic work.

Breakin' Good and Monday Morning Turkey Links

As we begin our blogcast day, I ponder the same as Bilal from "House Party..."

"Hey, you know what I love, was  Breakin'!  I wonder when that shit is coming on."

I too wonder when Breakin' is coming on or more to today's standard, when will it be available for streaming and such.

You can have the You Got Serveds and Step Ups, I wanna see Turbo, Ozone, and Special K.  When one says Breakin', most people think of Breakin' 2, Electric Boogaloo.  Mainly because it's fun to say.  But there would be no 2 if there was no 1, which gave us this...

And in turn this...

You can catch the 2's Boogaloo on Netflix, but why is the world being denied the original?  Via online streaming that is.  It's the movie that introduced Jean Claude Van Damme to an unsuspecting American pubilc...

Here's your Monday morning Turkey Links

Keanu Reeves is apparently making a Kung Fu flick with some amazing new camera system.  Via Geektyrant.

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The Black Dynamite cartoon is hitting Cartoon Network on July 15th!

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Wanna see a Pokemon high on acid?  It's as great as it sounds.  Via Topless Robot

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And finally, some folk decided to make a Full Size Radio Controlled Car! Via Neatorama.  Why, cause why the hell not?